She’s bright like glitter and bubbly like champagne!
Turning another year older is such a gift, but this year there is even more of a reason to celebrate! I’m officially 21 or as I like to call it Twenty-Fun! After a lot of thought about what to write for today’s post — I can be so indecisive, you feel me fellow Geminis — I decided to share 21 things I’ve learned about myself and life thus far.
What I love about blogging is that I document special moments in my life that I otherwise may not have done prior to becoming a blogger. I love that in the future I’ll be able to look back on this post and remember how I felt at age 21. I can honestly say that over the past year I truly found out who I am. I’m confident and happy with where I am in my life.
- Some of the best moments in my life are the little ones. Dancing around to a song on the radio with my mom, laughing until I cry, taking in a crisp breeze, these are the moments that make life so beautiful. They are also the moments that make me happiest and guess what, they are free.
- Sometimes I have to put myself first. I love helping others, but I realized I can’t be everyone’s everything. It’s impossible to please everyone. The harsh reality is that certain people you think are your “friends” are actually what I call “users.” They are the people that only contact you when they need something. I do not need those people in my life. #Bye
- I trust God in all situations. While this is something that I’ve always tried my best to do, this year I found myself relying on God more than ever. Both during the good and the bad times, I trust in Him and this has been the key to my success the past year.
- I’m a die-hard country music fan. Some of you may be cringing at this one, but what can I say! It’s pretty much all I listen to and it honestly makes me SO happy.
- Blogging doesn’t define me. Sure I spend many of my waking hours thinking about all things blog-related, but sometimes I just have to turn it off. My actions and interests are what define me as a person, not my blog.
- The best things happen when you least expect them. There isn’t a ton to say about this one. It’s SO true.
- There’s always room for dessert. No matter how healthy you try to eat, every once in a while you deserve a sweet treat. It’s good for the soul. My guilty pleasure: cookie dough ice cream.
- It’s okay to leave my phone at home. Recently, I’ve been leaving my phone at home when I go out for my evening walk and it has been so refreshing to just be present. You will feel more connected with life when you disconnect from your phone.
- Create your own happiness. My mom has always said this, but this year I’ve really come to believe it. By waiting for someone else to plan something or having too high of expectations, you’re only hurting yourself. You have to do what makes you happy.
- You can’t plan everything. I’ll admit that I’m kind of a control freak, however, over the past year, I learned it’s pointless to plan out every little detail. Whether for the better or worse, things change and the best thing to do is take things day by day.
- Sometimes you just have to hit snooze. Literally. This past year I was so busy. I cannot count the number of times I said that I wish I had more hours in the day. I’ve learned that consistently not getting enough sleep wears on you (obviously). Some mornings an extra 20 minutes of sleep are so worth me having to throw my hair in a bun and head out the door.
- I have the power to better someone’s life. I think the quote below really sums this one up.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo Buscaglia
- I don’t have to be put together at all times. It’s okay to admit I don’t know how to do something or to head out the door in yoga pants when I’m not working out. I’m far from perfect and don’t need to be looking my absolute best at all times.
- The people who accept me for who I am are the ones I need in my life. I think this one is challenging for a lot of people. This year I realized that I shouldn’t have to change for anyone. I am who I am and the people who love the true me are the ones worth maintaining a relationship with.
- I look better with my lipstick or lipgloss on. This one seems a little silly, but it’s true. I love a great lip product and I’m currently crushing on this Buxom gloss. It just happens to be in the shade Pink Champagne — totally appropriate for my 21st birthday!
- Be obsessed with everything you love. This past year I found myself saying “I’m obsessed with ___” all the time. I’m more in love with life than ever.
- Make time for those who matter most (even when you’re low on time). You can finish that project tomorrow, catch up on the missed hour of sleep this weekend, but what you can’t get more of is time with the people you love most. It may be inconvenient to change your schedule around, but just do it.
- Take pictures, tons of pictures. Trust me, this isn’t just a blogger thing. You will be so glad you have these memories to look back on, even if it’s a picture of the unicorn milkshake you had last month. By the way, I never tried one, too much sugar.
- If running is difficult, run more. I mean this one more figuratively, though I am back to running. This lesson really applies to everything. The only way to become better at something that challenges you is to be persistent.
- Celebrate something every day. Little achievements build on each other and turn into something big. Why not celebrate acing a test or making it through a challenging day!?
- Laugh. A lot. Life is hard enough. I try to find humor in the best moments to make them that much sweeter and in the worst moments to make them more bearable. A good laugh can make any situation better and laughing until you cry is even better. My dad is good at making me laugh so hard that I can barely breathe.
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
xoxo Kendall
Love it Kendall
Thank you xoxo