I shared this shirtdress look on Instagram a while back, but somehow it got lost in the countless photos I have on my laptop! The struggle is real… Anyways, after remembering how much everyone loved it, I knew that I had to do a post on the entire look.
I’ve been living in dresses this Summer! It’s so easy to just slip one on and go! The only thing you have to worry about is pairing it with the right accessories. For this outfit, I decided to keep it simple and stick with black and gold pieces. I really love this slit leather cuff from Nickel & Suede. It’s unique and really makes a statement. I also think it will be perfect for an edgy Fall look!
Speaking of Fall, this morning I woke up to overcast skies and a cooler temperature and I’m taking in every second of it! It’s making me want jeans, scarves, and hot chocolate, but I know we have a while before it’s time for all of that… A girl can dream right?!
Light Wash Denim Shirtdress, sold out, almost identical here | Aviator Sunglasses | Gold Necklace | Black Leather Crossbody, newer version here | Black Sandals | Black Slit Leather Cuff Bracelet c/o
Thanks for reading! Happy Monday!
xoxo Kendall
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Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.